Federal Employees: The Unsung Heroes Of Disaster Preparedness
Federal Civilian LifeWe are living in truly unprecedented times. With much of the world shut down in an effort to minimize the reach of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is one group of workers putting in the hours and going above and beyond to keep our great nation running strong: Federal Employees. Our Feds are delivering our mail, groceries, and emergency supplies. They are keeping us safe and informed on how the disease is spreading, how to protect ourselves, and how we can do our part.
This is far from the first national emergency that most of us have experienced, but this one feels truly different. On both a national and global level, we are seeing the goodness in people coming out in spades, with many going out of their way to make sure that those in need don’t go without.
Federal Employees are essential, and the good news is that people can give back to these unsung heroes. Make sure to do your part this Public Service Recognition Week and thank your delivery XXivers, your health officials, your transportation officials, and all of the Feds in your life. To celebrate the many generations of “Faithful Feds” that have helped keep our nation safe and functional throughout some of the biggest crises in American history, WAEPA has rounded up an inspirational list to highlight those who keep us going:
Through every crisis, this branch of the federal government has remained steadfast. The United States Postal Service (USPS) has gone beyond the call of duty during the COVID-19 outbreak to ensure that all-important and essential deliveries are made on time. Thanks to the USPS, our most high-risk friends and family can stay safe with essential deliveries like groceries, learning tools, resources, and even medications.

The USPS has made it possible for our hospitals to get the supplies they need, for our teachers to get the resources they require, and the average citizen to go on living their life as normally as possible.

This dedication to excellent service is far from new for the USPS. Through every national crisis, the USPS has been lightning fast at adapting to and adopting new regulations and changes in order to make our country work. During the Unabomber scare and other terrorist attacks, the USPS implemented stricter mail searches, aided investigations, and kept dangerous explosives and drugs out of the wrong hands, saving hundreds of lives.

In addition to helping screen our mail from physical threats, the USPS also works tirelessly on contraband interdiction and investigations, to help put an end to drug trafficking. We truly thank every member of the USPS for your outstanding service and dedication to your extremely important work.
One of the most formative and scarring moments in modern American history was the tragedy of the September 11th terrorist attacks in 2001. Across the world, people watched as thousands of innocent Americans needlessly perished. In total, 19 terrorists hijacked four planes. Two planes crashed into the two World Trade Center buildings, the third crashed into the Pentagon, and the fourth crashed in a field after heroic passengers on the plane thwarted the attack.

Through this terror, the Department of Defense (DOD) jumped into high gear, working quickly to ground planes, protect our citizens, and make sure that no other terrorists could make an attack. Our Federal Agencies acted quickly, putting sanctions in place to ensure that no terrorists or people aligned with terrorist groups could enter the United States. Furthermore, agents worked tirelessly to track down leads of potentially dangerous individuals to bring them to justice.
Two major agencies were created as a result of this attack. On November 19, 2001, shortly after the attacks, the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA) was signed into law by President George W. Bush. This legislation effectively created the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to strengthen the security of the nation’s transportation systems. Shortly thereafter, The Homeland Security Act of 2002 became law, creating Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to help reduce the vulnerability of the United States to terrorism.

From the September 11th terrorist attacks to the current COVID-19 outbreak, these federal agencies have helped America stay safe, protected, and secure, and for that, we thank you.
There are few moments in American history where we have been more aware of the need for elite healthcare professionals than this moment now. One of the biggest hurdles with the COVID-19 outbreak is the need for unified information about how to treat patients, how to deal with the massive inflow of new patients, and how to keep people safe. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have made all of this centralization and dissemination of information possible, and are on the front lines of working to track the spread and find a vaccine.

The CDC began as the Communicable Disease Center in 1946, hiring scientists and researchers from Malaria Control in War Areas. Since then, as one of the major operating arms of HHS, CDC has been at the forefront of working internationally throughout health crises to develop cures, fight the threat of biological warfare, and more. Today, CDC is recognized as the nation’s premiere health promotion, prevention, and preparedness agency.

If you would like more information on how you can protect yourself and your family from COVID-19 visit the CDC website or the HHS website. We thank every member of these two immensely important agencies for the selfless and lifesaving work that they are doing through this health crisis.
It can be easy to forget the team behind the people on the front line. The team that keeps things running in the background ensures that funding goes where it should, and keeps people on the ground informed, safe, and secure. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is working around the clock during this pandemic to keep both our federal government and daily lives running as smoothly as possible.

OPM is the human resources agency for the Federal Government, allowing our Federal workforce to manage their pay and benefits as they work to serve the American people. The agency was created in 1979 by the Civil Service Reform Act, intended to replace the U.S. Civil Service Commission. OPM is partially responsible for maintaining neutrality in the Administrative Law System, and in its history has managed the operations of our Federal Agencies with regards to benefits, retirement, and more.

Federal Employees are essential in enabling the continuity of critical government operations. This Public Servant Recognition Week, (May 3-10, 2020), take time to thank the people in your life who work to keep our country running. Leave a thank you for your mail carrier, send a donation of masks to health care teams, and salute those that risk their lives to protect you and your family.
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